set -o vi to set the vi editing mode
clear screen ESC to enter vi editing mode CTRL-L
put # at the begning of line to put that line to history file
CTRL-U to erase whole line
CTRL-S to stop sending the typing characters and buffer them, CTRL-Q to resume and send the buffered keys
CTRL-D to terminate the inputs
!! to repeat the last command
source scriptname this cause the commands in the script to be read and run as if you typed them in
$* parameters in one string
$@ parameters in seperate double quoted string
$# number of parameters
$? the exit status of last command that ran
must use ${10} for the tenth of of positional parameter
string operators
${varname:-word} if varname exists and isn’t null, return its value; othewise return word.
${varname:=word} if varname exists and isn’t null, return its value; othewise return set it to word and return word.
${varname:+word} if varname exists and isn’t null, return word; othewise return null return word.
${varname:?message} if varname exists and isn’t null, return word; othewise print message and abort current command or script
-${variable#pattern} if the pattern matches the begining of the variable’s value, detel the shortest part that matches and returne the reset
-${variable##pattern} if the pattern matches the begining of the variable’s value, detel the longest part that matches and returne the reset