Pandy's Blog

Pandy Song

C, C++ and Python


There are lot of articles on the internet about the differences between different language. However, to do peer to peer comparison sometime does not make sense, as the language (especially new language)is designed has its own market proposition.

I personally used mostly these three languages, and here to highlight merely according to my personal experiences.


C is a general-purpose, high-level language that was originally developed by
Dennis M. Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs. C was
originally first implemented on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972.

In some area, like Linux kernel development, C is the only choice, there are historic reasons. Not because other language like C++ could not operate directly on hardware, but mainly because community is more or less stick with the C.

In C, essentially, the code needs to manage the ownership (allocation and free), needs to manage the pointer. If we look at the source code in your project, we will find that most of code is essentially out of the core business logic but to stick the core business logic together. For managing a large scale software project, we will need to apply some pattern from Object Oriented Design. Patterns like decorator, adaptor, bridge could be applied in C. Actually in kernel development, these patterns are often used.

OOD or OOP is not specifically for C++ or other object oriented language. OOD is mostly of thought. The OOD could be applied with any language. However it needs some cost/tricky skills to apply these patterns in C.

For example, following code will basically decouple the definition of struct circle from its client, only the place which needs to access the struct circle definition needs to know the concrete definition of this struct. The usually client only needs to have a pointer as reference.

//foward declaration to hide the implementation
struct circle;
struct circle *create_circle(...);

In another words, we make struct circle totally transparent, as only one implementation needs to care the concrete definition, which is the place to put the definition of struct circle.

Overall C is good for any tasks, but the implementation will usually be tedious. I would say “avoid using C unless other language could not do the job.”.


C++ provides a lot of features to make the OOD task easier. The C++ was tedious as well. As it needs to manage the life cycle by new/delete, however new standard like C++11/14 make the language more modern:

  • It has iterator which make the loop much like Python
  • It has auto, make the type declaration much easier/less tedious.

Additionally, there is an project which get a lot of attentions:

The guideline tries to provide information for engineer to follow the most practice and useful tips/rules.

C++/C should be used where the performance is the key feature, sometimes it needs to interact with hardware directly, sometimes it needs fast assembly code optimization. If both C++/C could be used, C++ is preferred for large scale project. It will be beneficial try to understand the rules in above guidelines project and apply these rules to your project. There are some accomplishing tools for these rule, which could be found on the internet.


People say Python is a glue language, which I think is actually a complement for this language. Because a software engineering’s main job is to decouple/separate logics. This applies to C/C++ or any other languages. Most of the code is to resolve engineering issue while the core business logic is more or less small in scope. I think that’s why people call it “Software Engineering”, as it is more or less in engineering scope where methods are used to resolve the concrete issues.

Python supports duck-typing which makes Heterogeneous Data processing very easy. Duck-typing support makes the unit test very easy, as one does not need to really mock up a type in Python in unit test.

Python has a very concise syntax and is most consistent among these languages, for example len(s) could get the length of the object no matter it is a dictionary, list or set. While in other languages sometime we could find more than one way to achieve the same goal, which is confusing and time consuming for people to figure out.

Python is fast enough to processing web applications. For some hard real time system, Python might be suitable because it is relatively slow, and Python interpreter needs additional ROM/RAM.