Pandy's Blog

Pandy Song

open source verilog emulation tool


FPGA is an interesting topic. Products with different market proposition are on the market. Xilinx’s product ranks in high performance while Lattice is on lower cost. Verilog is a HDL (Hardware Description Language). This document describe step to use iverilog on my Mac book.

Build and Install

The steps is written in details on Please note that it needs the new version of Bison as mentioned “It has been reported that bison 2.3 on MacOS generates broken code, but bison 3.0.4 works.”

I was just using brew to install the latest bison, please note that at end of bison installation, following is suggest to use the brew installed version instead of osx default one.

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/bison/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc 

The above command might be different for bash, as it is for zsh.

An example

The following example is copied from the examples directory: examples/xram16x1.v and some var name are replaced for easy understanding.

// defines a 16x1 ram module
module ram16x1 (out, data, index, assign_flag, wclk);
     output out;
     input data;
     input [3:0] index;
     input assign_flag;
     input wclk;

     reg mem[15:0];

     assign out = mem[index];
     always @(posedge wclk) if (assign_flag) mem[index] = data;

 endmodule /* ram16x1 */

// the toplevel emulation module
module main;
    wire out;
    reg data;
    reg [3:0] index;
    reg assign_flag, wclk;

    ram16x1 r1 (out, data, index, assign_flag, wclk);

    initial begin
    $dumpvars(1, main.r1);
    wclk = 0;
    assign_flag = 1;
    for (index = 0 ; index < 4'hf ;  index = index + 1) begin
        data = index[0];
        #1 wclk = 1; //the data is written to ram on positve edge
        #1 wclk = 0;
        $display("r1[%x] == %b", index, out);

    for (index = 0 ; index < 4'hf ;  index = index + 1)
        #1 if (out !== index[0]) begin
            $display("FAILED -- mem[%h] !== %b", index, index[0]);

endmodule /* main */

The commands started with $ are for emulation only. $dumpfile and $dumpvars are for dump all data to e.g. show_vcd.vcd.


iverylog -oxram16x1 xram16x1.v

A copy could be fetched from here

Where a Makefile is added, so a simple make could suffice.



The output:

VCD info: dumpfile show_vcd.vcd opened for output.
r1[0] == 0
r1[1] == 1
r1[2] == 0
r1[3] == 1
r1[4] == 0
r1[5] == 1
r1[6] == 0
r1[7] == 1
r1[8] == 0
r1[9] == 1
r1[a] == 0
r1[b] == 1
r1[c] == 0
r1[d] == 1
r1[e] == 0

The above printing is corresponding to the code:

$display("r1[%x] == %b", index, out);

open the data

To run xram16x1, it also generates “show_vcd.vcd” file.

using gtkwave command to show:

gtkwave show_vcd.vcd

The tool could shows all the logics during emulation:


Some explanation on the above figure:

  • index[3:0] is the index to access the ram
  • data is the 1 bit data get out of ram
  • if assign_flag is set, during positive edge of wclk, the data is saved to ram
  • the reading of ram, does not need an wclk, so in the second part to read the memory, wclk is not altered.

BTW, I am not sure what “rect square” means in the figure.