creat text recognized by quickfix
using following command in vim to copy the text to clipboard:
let @@=expand("%:p").":".line(".").": ".expand("<cword>")
something like following will be yanked:
`/home/pandy/ finit_module`
load the files to quick fix window
You may want to save a list of lines like that to a file (for recording the key points of the program logic).
Open the file and then load the current file to quickfix window: :cfile %
then open the quickfix window: :copen
Now you could browse in the quickfix window and jump to the lines recorded.
This works also for the compilation output
You may yank the output from any other sources and open the compilation log and use “:cfile %” or directly use “:cfile <to_your_file_path>” to open it in quickfix window.
Without quick fix window, one could use “gF” command to jump to the code or document.